Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Sexy Sadie

I always thought Sexy Sadie was about a sexy woman named Sadie who, for reasons that were unclear, made a fool of everyone. Maybe I’m the last to know this, but it was actually written about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and his wandering eyes/hands/other body parts.


Indigo Bunting said...

There's just so much I don't follow up on. It's astounding.

Deloney said...

The Maharishi was so hot.

Sabine said...

LOL - now I have to go find a picture of the Maharishi. I seem to remember someone who looked like an Afghan Hound.

Sabine said...

I just listened to Sexy Sadie on youtube. Then I watched a cat on a big hamster-wheel treadmill. Just FYI.

Otter said...

No Helen I'm the last to know.
The Clueless Catholic School Graduate

Otter said...

It's still a good song though.

Indigo Bunting said...

Sexy Sadie + cat on a hamster-wheel treadmill. Sounds like a delicious day.