Thursday, 26 April 2007

Money (that's what I want)

For me, the most memorable Candid Camera episode was when they planted a $20 bill under a car tire. Most passer-bys stopped, tried unsuccessfully to pull it out. One old lady, more resourceful, got in her car and rammed the other car repeatedly. Money, that’s what she wanted.

Flying Lizards

Jose Feliciano (for Susan)

John Lennon


Indigo Bunting said...

Hey, I want money too! And now a Flying Lizards CD, which guess what—is hard to get and/or expensive. I'll need some money for that.

Deloney said...

I've always liked that snotty debutante Flying Lizards version.

Otter said...

The Flying Lizard version is ripe with tension. That drummer sounds like he is spanking someone.